Support News

Further IP STMP restrictions

Posted: 2001-08-17 06:56:03   Expiration: 2001-08-17 06:56:03

Disclaimer: This news item was originally posted on 2001-08-17 06:56:03. Its content may no longer be timely or accurate.

Starting at 10 AM on Monday 8/20, there will be a further restriction on the two SMTP servers which may generate a slight increase in calls.

Starting at 10 AM on Monday 8/20, there will be a further restriction on the two SMTP servers which may generate a slight increase in calls. Anyone effected by this should use the SMTP server:

I don't plan to put out any public announcement because this is nothing more than the true IP restriction we told people we would be doing originally. There will be no outage of any services.

This is an attempt to get us off another blacklist. Currently, we are IP restricting but we will still allow any mail thru that has a anywhere in the to address. We ended up on the ORDB list because they used the multiple @ sign trick using:


as the to address. We accepted because is there.

-- Joe Tarter