Support News

WebCT Quiz Date problem

Posted: 2001-08-17 10:12:50   Expiration: 2001-08-17 10:12:50

Disclaimer: This news item was originally posted on 2001-08-17 10:12:50. Its content may no longer be timely or accurate.

This will effect any server/instance that is running 3.6.

This will effect any server/instance that is running 3.6. Right now, the following are running 3.6. :





All of the rest of our servers/instances will be upgraded by August 24, 2001 except for on Plato, which will get upgraded some time in Sept.

With the upgrade to WebCT 3.6, availability dates for Quizzes/Surveys can be displayed incorrectly in the Designer Options view for Quiz and Survey Management. Any existing or new quiz/survey is listed with an availability date of January xx, 2001. When you access Quizzes/Surveys from the View mode or from Quiz Settings as a Designer, or as a Student, the availability dates are displayed correctly.

WebCT is aware of this problem and it is being fixed in a maintenance release.

-- Hildy Feen