Support News

EVM upgrade, 8/31 starting at 8am

Posted: 2007-08-29 08:44:27   Expiration: 2007-09-01 08:44:27

Disclaimer: This news item was originally posted on 2007-08-29 08:44:27. Its content may no longer be timely or accurate.

EVM will be unavailable for several hours beginning at 8:00 am on Friday 8/31/07 while the software is upgraded. During this EVM service upgrade, voice mail messages will still be available through the telephone interface.

The upgrade will not affect your EVM configuration, all of your current settings will be retained. If you choose not to call into voice mail during the upgrade, any new messages received during the EVM service interruption should be delivered to your email after the upgrade is complete.

Below is a summary of the EVM feature changes included in the new software release.
  • Ability to delete all voice mail messages from your EVM email.

    The EVM email body will now contain a new link “Delete All messages from my voice mailbox”. Clicking this link will take you to a new browser window which warns you that you are about to delete all voicemail messages from the voice mailbox. To continue, you will need to enter your EVM pin number and press a button which says Delete ALL. EVM will then delete all messages in the voice mailbox up to and including the message ID that the link is attached to. Any messages which arrived in the voice mailbox after this message ID would not be deleted. This should prevent deletion of messages that have not yet been delivered to email.

  • Ability to tell your PC to remember your EVM pin.
  • There will be a box that says "remember me on this computer". Once you enter the mailbox and pin and click that box on the web a cookie will be created. Individuals who choose to use this feature will not have to enter their EVM pin number every time they delete a voice mail message using the link. NOTE: This cookie is stored locally on the PC so this is not a good option for shared computers.

  • Personal Contact List
  • An individual will be able to associate a specific caller id with a name. The application will insert the name from your personal contact list along with the caller ID in the EVM delivery e-mail. The system already does this for other internal UW callers who have voice mail. This feature will allow you to associate a name with outside numbers.

  • EVM Pin Encryption

    EVM now has the ability to encrypt EVM pin numbers in the database.

  • -- DoIT Help Desk