Support News

WebCT - Username/password errors

Posted: 2001-09-11 04:28:46   Expiration: 2001-09-11 04:28:46

Disclaimer: This news item was originally posted on 2001-09-11 04:28:46. Its content may no longer be timely or accurate.

If a WebCT user enters their username/password and is immediately returned to the Login screen with the message, "You entered an incorrect username or password", they may be attempting to access their courses incorrectly.

If a WebCT user enters their username/password and is immediately returned to the Login screen with the message, "You entered an incorrect username or password", they may be attempting to access their courses incorrectly. To diagnose and correct this, perform the following steps:

  1. Re-enter the username and password.
  2. Confirm that the username is spelled correctly and that it has been entered in all lowercase letters.
  3. Verify that the proper format is used for the password. For UW-Madison users, the password is the user's birthdate in mmddyy format.
  4. Make sure that the caller did not click on the See Courses link on the WebCT Welcome page. If they do not yet have access to their course, they will get the incorrect username/password link, even if they entered their username/password correctly. Try logging in again by accessing, clicking on the Log on to my WebCT link, and re-entering the username/password.
  1. If the myWebCT page displays, but the desired course is not listed, have the caller contact their course leader to be added into the course. If the caller just registered for the course, it sometimes takes the new data a few days before it trickles into the WebCT registrations.
  2. If the caller still gets the incorrect username/password message, the Help Desk staffer should try the login if the username/password is supplied by the caller. If it works for the Help Desk person, have the caller try again.
  3. If the login does not work for the Help Desk staffer, refer to the WebCT-Password Changing document to search for the caller in the WebCT global database. If the caller is not in the global database, escalate the call.
  4. If the caller is in the WebCT global database, forgot their password, and did not fill-in their Logon hint, refer to the WebCT-Password Changing document to change the caller's password back to their birthdate.

-- Hildy Feen