Support News

WW account turnoff reminders

Posted: 2001-11-14 15:34:03   Expiration: 2001-11-14 15:34:03

Disclaimer: This news item was originally posted on 2001-11-14 15:34:03. Its content may no longer be timely or accurate.

For WW account turnoff cases, remember to check if the caller has multiple WW accounts, include the affected WW account name (user name) in the notes and use the "Internal Use" field for ID number.

For WW account turnoff cases, remember the following:

  • Check if the caller has multiple WW accounts.
  • Include the affected WW account name (user name) in the notes.
  • Include the ID number (use the "Internal Use" field).
Complete WW account turnoff information can be found on the Help Desk web pages Acct questns / WiscWorld EMail (turnoff) Handling Information and WiscWorld Account Eligibility & Deactivation Issues.

-- Chris Mayeshiba