Announcement from Chancellor Martin on President Obama's Campus Visit
Posted: 2010-09-27 06:45:14 Expiration: 2010-09-28 02:45:14
Chancellor Biddy Martin sent the following email to campus:
Students, Faculty and Staff,
As you know, President Barack Obama will appear on campus
Tuesday, September 28, as part of a rally organized by the Democratic National Committee (DNC).
The visit of a sitting President is a rare and historic event. It has been sixty
years since we hosted a president on our campus. Such a visit carries with it
the need for greatly enhanced safety and security measures. We would like to
have Tuesday be as normal of a business day as possible, but some inconvenience
and disruption will occur, given street and parking lot closures, traffic
congestion and the closing of entrances for buildings facing the event area in
Library Mall. I ask for your cooperation, flexibility and patience.
We have outlined details of the event for those who plan to attend, and have
tried to anticipate the potential impact on those who live, study and work
around Library Mall. If you are an employee and have questions about your units
operations, we ask that you consult with your supervisor.
Our policies on the Use of University Facilities for Political Purposes (P-6)
allow each major party to hold an event on campus once in a national election
Please visit <> for more information. If you have specific
needs or questions that are not addressed on the site, please email
Chancellor Biddy Martin
-- UWHelpDesk: Ryan Hansen