10-Minute Internet Outage on Friday (6 AM on 04/12)
Posted: 2002-04-11 15:02:46 Expiration: 2002-04-11 15:02:46
WiscNet will be upgrading the code on the Juniper peering router in Madison. This upgrade is necessary to fix some operational issues in the current code release that have recently surfaced. The upgrade will begin at 6AM tomorrow, 04/12/2002, and shoul
WiscNet will be upgrading the code on the Juniper peering router in Madison. This upgrade is necessary to fix some operational issues in the current code release that have recently surfaced. The upgrade will begin at 6AM tomorrow, 04/12/2002, and should last about ten minutes.
No customers should experience an extended outage of traffic during this time. The UW-Madison campus and the State of Wisconsin may experience a brief (one minute) outage as traffic converges over to Milwaukee during the upgrade. All other members may experience degraded internet performance for approximately ten minutes.
-- Michael - NOC Ops