Support News

Network outage Friday (09/06/02, 7-7:30AM)

Posted: 2002-09-05 11:42:47   Expiration: 2002-09-06 19:00:00

Disclaimer: This news item was originally posted on 2002-09-05 11:42:47. Its content may no longer be timely or accurate.

There will be a network outage this Friday (09/06/2002, 7-7:30 AM) that will affect any departments connected to the backbone device known as e-csscb280c-1.

There will be a network outage this Friday (09/06/2002, 7-7:30 AM) that will affect any departments connected to the backbone device known as e-csscb280c-1. A detailed list of affected connections is shown below. This outage is needed to replace a faulty module.

Buildings connected to Computer Science
Computer Sciences and Statistics Center (# 0155)
Atmospheric, Oceanic & Space Sciences Bldg (# 0156)
Weeks Hall (# 0521)
Heating Station - Charter (# 0529)
Extension Services  Bldg (# 0504)
Primate Laboratory (# 0527)
Primate Center (# 0526)
Union South (# 0505)
1308 W. Dayton St. (# 1011)
Wendt Library (#  0404)
1301-1303 University Ave (# 0747)
1220 Capitol Court (# 0782)
Rust-Schreiner House (# 0158/0576)
Police & Security Bldg (# 0550)
1001 Spring Street (# 1061)
Camp Randall Stadium (# 0022)
Meiklejohn House (# 0035)

-- Mark Karls - DoIT Network Services