Support News

Memorial Library node 1 hour service window on Friday (07/25/03, 6-7 AM)

Posted: 2003-07-23 08:47:01   Expiration: 2003-07-25 19:00:00

Disclaimer: This news item was originally posted on 2003-07-23 08:47:01. Its content may no longer be timely or accurate.

The Memorial Library node will be down during a one hour service window on Friday (07/25/03, 6-7 AM) while DoIT Field Services reroutes cabling. This work will result in a 5 minute outage for each of the connections listed below.

The Memorial Library node will be down during a one hour service window on Friday (07/25/03, 6-7 AM) while DoIT Field Services reroutes cabling. This work will result in a 5 minute outage for each of the connections listed below.

This is the final step in converting the Memorial node to the XXI backbone.

Name                 Speed Type
-------------------- ----- ------------
Extension              100 100BaseFX MM
Pyle @ Lowell          100 100BaseFX MM
DCS @ Lowell           100 100BaseFX MM
Extension @ Lowell     100 100BaseFX MM
Alumni House           100 100BaseFX MM
WHA-Radio Hall         100 100BaseFX MM
EPD                    100 100BaseFX MM
LowellHall .17 net     100 100BaseFX MM
PyleCenter LAN        1000 1000BaseSX

-- Network Operations Center (NOC)