Support News

Security Alert for UW Students - email sent 8/20

Posted: 2003-08-19 15:33:29   Expiration: 2003-08-31 18:00:00

Disclaimer: This news item was originally posted on 2003-08-19 15:33:29. Its content may no longer be timely or accurate.

There are three things you need to do immediately:

  1. Download and install Microsoft patches for Windows (2000, XP, & NT) systems
  2. Install Norton Anti-Virus on your computer.
  3. Turn off peer-to-peer sharing applications like KazZa or Morpheus

    To: UW-Madison students Subject: Security alert for UW students

    There are three things you need to do immediately to safeguard your computer at the UW:

    1. If you own a computer that runs Windows 2000, XP or NT, you need to download and install Microsoft patches.
    2. Install Norton Anti-Virus on your computer.
    3. Turn off peer-to-peer sharing applications like KazZa or Morpheuson on your computer.
    Here are the specifics ...

    The Microsoft patches are needed to keep your computer from being infected with the Blaster, MSBlast or Lovesan worms. You can get the patches here: If your Windows system has already been infected, contact the DoIT Help Desk at 608-264-HELP for assistance.

    You can get a free copy of Norton Anti-Virus in the DoIT Tech Store (1210 W. Dayton St.). It is also available on the latest WiscWorld CD, or via network download from:

    Sharing music and movie files without permission from the copyright holder is illegal. The recording industry and motion picture industry are actively scanning for illegal copies of their work. If they find some that you are hosting, you may receive a warning, or worse. Some students at other institutions have received subpoenas. Don't let the first one at Wisconsin be you. For more info on appropriate use of UW computing resources, see:

    Security Team
    University of Wisconsin-Madison

    -- Security Team