Support News

Desire2Learn (Learn@UW) - June 5th Upgrade Complete/Service Restored

Posted: 2014-06-05 14:30:50   Expiration: 2014-06-12 14:30:50

Disclaimer: This news item was originally posted on 2014-06-05 14:30:50. Its content may no longer be timely or accurate.

The upgrade of Desire2Learn is complete. Access to the system was restored June 5th at 2PM.

The new version will include feature changes/improvements to several tools including Content, Discussions, Dropbox, Gradebook, Quizzing, and more. Overall, these changes reflect a focus by D2L to improve navigation (for example, Content now features a fly-out universal menu panel and the ability to expand/collapse all Content modules at once), increase the areas of the system where drag and drop can be used to upload files, and add features that have been often requested (such as the ability to notify students when content has been updated, automatic quiz score recalulation, and milestone grading in the Gradebook).

You can find extensive information about what's included in the new version at the upgrade website: The website includes a features list, video overviews, FAQs, and more.

-- Learn@UW Madison Team