Support News

WebCT calls are expected to increase

Posted: 2001-01-22 08:37:57   Expiration: 2001-01-22 08:37:57

Disclaimer: This news item was originally posted on 2001-01-22 08:37:57. Its content may no longer be timely or accurate.

At the beginning of each semester our volume of WebCT calls increases. Be sure to take some time to familiarize yourself with our online WebCT documents.

At the beginning of each semester our volume of WebCT calls increases. Be sure to take some time to familiarize yourself with our online WebCT documents. Pay particular attention to the following new/revised documents:

"WebCT - Login Information - Non UW-Madison Campuses". Document is located at:

"WebCT Handling Information". Has NEW HDI info. Document is located at:

As always, err on the side of helping the customer. If you receive a call and the person is reporting a WebCT problem, be sure to open a call and escalate it if you cannot assist him/her. DO NOT TURN THEM AWAY!

Any questions/problems, see your Team Lead.

-- Wanjiru Pontes