Support News

Desire2Learn (Learn@UW) - Reminder to save quiz answers frequently

Posted: 2014-11-12 14:59:51   Expiration: 2014-12-19 14:59:51

Disclaimer: This news item was originally posted on 2014-11-12 14:59:51. Its content may no longer be timely or accurate.

As the Fall 2014 semester heads into its final stretch, D2L students and instructors are encouraged to follow a couple of simple best practices to ensure quiz answers are properly saved and recorded.

Students - It is important to save quiz answers often, especially when there are multiple quiz questions per page. Ideally, you will want to click the Save button after answering each question. Quiz answers are autosaved as you move from page to page of a quiz, but they are not autosaved with each answer. So if a quiz has, for example, 10 questions on a page and you haven't saved your answers, you could lose all 10 of those answers if your session is interrupted or if you happen to run out of time.

Instructors - As a rule, it is recommended to place five or fewer questions on each quiz page. This helps students by autosaving their answers as they move through the pages of the quiz.

-- Learn@UW Madison