Support News

ISTST outage Sunday mornings 1/28 & 2/4 - 4:45am-12pm

Posted: 2001-01-26 05:22:30   Expiration: 2001-01-26 05:22:30

Disclaimer: This news item was originally posted on 2001-01-26 05:22:30. Its content may no longer be timely or accurate.

ISTST will be shutdown on Sunday Jan 28, 2001 and Feb 4, 2001 between 4:45am - 12 noon both days.

We will be performing maintenance on the storage system used by the ISTST database over the next 2 Sundays. Therefore, ISTST will be shutdown on Sunday Jan 28, 2001 and Feb 4, 2001 between 4:45am - 12 noon both days.

-- Kathy Gleeson