New Clarify setup & contacts db for SFS support
Posted: 2001-02-08 09:58:54 Expiration: 2001-02-08 09:58:54
New contacts has been added in Clarify for SFS support. When creating new cases for SFS problems, you should now select the Contact Name which is associated with the Clarify siteID "SFS$support".
As of February 7, I've added a new contacts database in Clarify
for SFS product support. When creating a new case for
customers calling in an SFS problem, you should now select
the Contact Name which is associated with the Clarify siteID
NOTE: "SFS" stands for "Shared Financial System",
used by UW System Administration and associated System schools.
The supported SFS products have been in the Clarify product list
for quite a long time, so the only change required now is in the
selection of the proper contact name. From this point on, please
do NOT enter a "ZZZ" contact name.
In addition, to emphasize the fact that this support extends to
specified contacts at various campuses in the UW System,
I've created a slightly new "feel" in Clarify for the initial contact
selection when you create a case :
For an SFS contact at the various campuses, you'll see the
First Name, Last Name, Phone, SiteID displayed as usual.
However, in addition, you'll see the contact's UW System campus
affiliation in parentheses after the Last Name. For example :
Since receiving the contact names sourcelist a couple of weeks ago,
I found some errors, and there have been some personnel changes
as well. I've double-checked the entries, and personally called
the contacts to try to verify the accuracy of info such as phone
numbers and E-mail addresses.
If you encounter system problems with SFS cases, please let me know.
If you have procedural questions, check with your Team Lead.
General procedural issues will be handled as usual by Wanjiru Pontes,
escalation questions by Jeff WIltzius. Wei-Zhong and members of his
team will be entering this info on our internal pages as appropriate.
-- Victor Scherer