Support News

R-uwwhitewater-hub outage 2/28 6:30 am

Posted: 2001-02-27 04:11:32   Expiration: 2001-02-27 04:11:32

Disclaimer: This news item was originally posted on 2001-02-27 04:11:32. Its content may no longer be timely or accurate.

There will be a brief outage of the r-uwwhitewater-hub core router on Wednesday, 2/28 at 6:30am. The outage will last less than 20 minutes.

WiscNet Members,

There will be a brief outage of the r-uwwhitewater-hub core router on Wednesday, 2/28 at 6:30am. The outage will last less than 20 minutes. During this outage, we will be upgrading the ATM card in this router due to a Cisco recall. While this card has not been causing problems, we are taking this action to prevent future problems as traffic through this core router increases.

This outage will affect all sites that connect to the r-uwwhitewater-hub router. This includes:

University of Wisconsin-Whitewater
Whitewater City

-- Jeff Bartig