Support News

Kaltura: Service Issue Resolved (~11:04 am 6/10/16)

Posted: 2016-06-10 10:12:11   Expiration: 2016-06-11 17:00:00

Disclaimer: This news item was originally posted on 2016-06-10 10:12:11. Its content may no longer be timely or accurate.

RESOLVED: We received confirmation that the issue that impact access to media hosted by Kaltura was resolved as of ~11:04 am. We will follow-up with the vendor to understand the cause and resolution to the service outage.

Any attempt to access media content hosted by Kaltura, either directly through the MediaSpace instance or integration (e.g., Learn@UW/D2L, Moodle, etc.), will result in an error message, "An error was experienced when playing the video. Please check your Internet connection and try again." This issue is impacting other peer institutions hosted by Kaltura and we've escalated the issue to the vendor for resolution. This announcement will be updated as developments occur.

We apologize for the inconvenience.

-- Learn@UW Utility