Support News

[Updated 8/31/16 4:00pm] Canvas: Current Issue - Some Instructors Losing Access to Course (UW-Madison)

Posted: 2016-08-23 10:01:30   Expiration: 2016-09-06 06:00:00

Disclaimer: This news item was originally posted on 2016-08-23 10:01:30. Its content may no longer be timely or accurate.

A fix has been applied to restore access to Canvas courses for those instructors and students who have lost access unexpectedly


A fix was applied today (8/31/16) to restore access to Canvas courses for instructors and students who may have lost access unexpectedly. 

Going forward, any instructor or student who once had access to an active Canvas course, but suddenly loses access, should report this to the DoIT Help Desk.


Some instructors using Canvas lose access to their Canvas course unexpectedly. The course no longer appears in the instructor's list of Canvas courses.

DoIT and Instructure technologists are aware of this issue and currently investigating a solution.


1. DoIT Canvas admin (Learn@UW-Madison team) or local Canvas sub-account admin create a section within the Canvas course that the instructor can no longer access
2. Enroll the instructor into this new section

This workaround should prevent the instructor from becoming unenrolled.

More information will be posted as further details emerge about this issue

-- Learn@UW-Madison staff