Support News

Java VM Update Maybe Necessary for Internet Explorer (IE) Users

Posted: 2004-10-17 18:00:00   Expiration: 2004-10-20 18:00:00

Disclaimer: This news item was originally posted on 2004-10-17 18:00:00. Its content may no longer be timely or accurate.

A Java upgrade on the MyUW portal may prevent IE users from signing on to portal modules (WiscMail, WiscCal, My WebSpace and/or Kronos). IE users experiencing signon problems should update their Java.

The My UW-Madison portal has upgraded to Java VM 1.4.2 (from Java 1.3.1). After 3:00 PM Monday, October 18, you may not be able to login to WiscMail, WiscCal, My WebSpace and/or Kronos via the portal sign-in buttons without a software update. Those with the Microsoft VM installed will *not* be able to connect to WiscMail, WiscCal, and My WebSpace from the sign-in links within the portal.

If you experience this problem, you will be able to login to My UW-Madison but will not make it past the sign-on splash screen when you click on WiscMail/WiscCal/My WebSpace. You will see this splash screen message:

"Please wait while you are being connected to the [e-mail] System. If you are not automatically connected, please see the following Help Desk document for instructions on how to upgrade your Java Virtual Machine."

Windows - Installation Instructions for Sun Java

If you use the old Microsoft VM, follow the instructions and install the latest version of Sun's JRE (either 1.4.2 or 1.5). During the installation, select "OK" when prompted to install browser plug-ins.

Please contact the DoIT Help Desk (264-HELP) if you experience any problems with this upgrade.

-- DoIT News