Support News

Disabling new IVQ assignments in Canvas on 8/1/17 due to IVQ feedback issue

Posted: 2017-07-27 07:23:32   Expiration: 2017-08-03 07:23:32

Disclaimer: This news item was originally posted on 2017-07-27 07:23:32. Its content may no longer be timely or accurate.

Due to issues with Kaltura interactive video quizzes (IVQs) not displaying question feedback in Canvas, the Learn@UW Madison team is planning to disable the creation of new Kaltura IVQ assignments in Canvas on 8/1/17 until the issue is resolved.

We are investigating a possible solution but at this time do not have a projected timeframe for when we would re-enable IVQs in Canvas.

We also recommend not using IVQs in general as we are getting reports of some students not seeing IVQ feedback even when the IVQ is loaded in Kaltura MediaSpace. This issue has been documented in the Kaltura Known Issues KB doc, has been reported to Learn@UW Utility, and a ticket has been submitted to Kaltura.

Learn@UW Madison

-- Learn@UW Mad: Dan LaValley