Support News

Network outage 04/18/01 0700-0730

Posted: 2001-04-15 09:27:26   Expiration: 2001-04-15 09:27:26

Disclaimer: This news item was originally posted on 2001-04-15 09:27:26. Its content may no longer be timely or accurate.

Network Services will be changing an uplink module in a DoIT backbone switch at 7:00 am on Wednesday, 4/18. The switch will be down for approximately 20 minutes.

Network Services will be changing an uplink module in a DoIT backbone switch at 7:00 am on Wednesday, 4/18. The switch will be down for approximately 20 minutes. (The official 'window' ends at 7:30 am.) This outage will affect many of the network segments in and around DoIT (as shown below). We apologize for any inconvenience that this will cause.

ELAN                    DESCRIPTION
----                    -----------
elan128.104.16.0/22     B203 lab switch, IDF B295
elan144.92.8.0/24       DoIT InfoLab
elan144.92.20.208/30    IPTV for 8350 Comp. Sci., D.Devereaux-Weber
elan144.92.40.0/25      1301/1307 Univ.
elan144.92.40.128/25    Union South
elan144.92.58.0/25      Union South
elan144.92.66.0/25      Harlow Primate Labs,
primateCenter           Primate Center
primateCenter           Primate Center/Spring St.
primateCenter           Primate Center/1223 Capital Ct.
primateCenter           Primate Center 100 Mbps connection
elan144.92.76.128/25    GLS
elan144.92.81.128/25    Student Health Services @ 1552 Univ. Ave. FPM
elan144.92.87.0/25      State Lab Hygiene, 1001 Spring St.
elan144.92.88.128/25    Wireless link 1930 Monroe St.
elan144.92.106.0/24     45 N. Charter St. FPM
elan144.92.113.128/25   DoIT Showroom
elan144.92.124.0/25     Help Desk call server
elan144.92.137.0/24     Geology
elan144.92.149.0/25     CMS - HiRay Hall
elan144.92.164.176      Wireless connection to Luthers Blues
elan144.92.245.128/25   Persoft Airbridge to Student Radio, 602 State St.
singleport              Meiklejohn House
NavalROTC               1402 Univ. Ave., Naval ROTC
singleport              Lot 17/Camp Randall
StemCellResearch        StemCellResearch, 1001 Spring St.
UWPStransit             Transit connection for UW Police
Wireless-Campus Wireless for Union South
Wireless-Campus Wendt library 2nd Floor Access Point

-- Jim Ray