Email Security - Email Header Deprecation

As the university transitions to a new enhanced email security system, the service team will deprecate a number of email Header fields that were specific to the legacy email routing and anti-spam software.

Which Headers will be deprecated

You will no longer see the following header fields once we have fully transitioned. 

  • X-Spam-Score

  • X-Spam-Report

  • X-Spam-PmxInfo

  • X-Wisc-spamhausHBL

  • X-Wisc-spamhausDBL

  • X-Wisc-DKIM-Verify

  • X-Wisc-Env-From-B64

  • X-Wisc-Doma

  • X-Wisc-Scam

  • X-Wisc-Spoof-Check

  • X-Wisc-Subject

  • X-Wisc-DMARC-Fix

Important: If you have configured an inbox rule within any email client using any of the above header fields, please review and update the inbox rule. If you do not update the rule, it will no longer work once the transition has completed.

Keywordsmicrosoft ms office365 o365 x-spam x-wisc message proofpoint proof point   Doc ID126800
OwnerO365 S.GroupMicrosoft 365
Created2023-03-22 11:01:51Updated2024-09-13 13:04:47
SitesDoIT Help Desk, Microsoft 365
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