WiscWeb - Embed an ArcGIS visualization
Map types
At this time, the ArcGIS embed may only work for maps that include "arcgis.com" in the URL. If you have a need to embed something else, please contact us and let us know. You will need to provide a URL to your existing ArcGIS configuration so that we can review it.
Why? Our embeds are based on the URL structure for the tooling.
Publishing views
Only publicly accessible maps will work for this embed option. Private maps will not embed.
Why? If a map is private or protected, there is nothing to show on the page. Instead of embedding, link directly to those maps.
High quality images
We highly recommend high quality imagery for your ArcGIS maps. This will not only improve the general user experience, but also helps ensure your maps remain as accessible as possible.
Providing direct link to map
Depending on the map, it may be a better user experience to link directly to the map rather than embed. Consider doing some user testing to determine which approach makes the most sense.
Locate the URL
Ensure that your ArcGIS map is published to “Public.” Copy the URL of your ArcGIS map that appears in your browser’s address bar.
Add URL to Text Block
Once you've located and copied your map URL, simply paste that into a Text Block on your site.
Accessibility and usability barriers
ArcGIS maps have some accessibility barriers:
In addition to these barriers (and the workarounds provided), we highly recommend visiting the vendor website for additional accessibility tips. This documentation helps guide users through accessible styling options for ArcGIS maps. Here's some highlights:
- StoryMap accessibility tips
- Creating accessible PDFs in ArcGIS Pro
- Designing for accessibility
- Working with enhanced contrast basemaps
- Better color blindness accessibility in ArcGIS Pro
- Mapping with accessibility: 8 key hacks
And, as with any tool, please consider an alternative display option for the content for those that might be navigating with a screen reader.
Clickable data points
If a mouse user clicks on the data points on an ArcGIS map, a tooltip displays more information. These data points and tooltips do not appear to be accessible via keyboard and screen reader.
Recommendation: Export the data tables for layers of your web map. This is a more screen reader-friendly option for users.
Unexpected scrolling
When navigating via keyboard, the map will occasionally jump/scroll to another location as the user moves the slider across the screen.
Recommendation: The user will have to move the slider back and forth and eventually, the map will catch up.