Manifest - Regarding Group Rights

Regarding group membership and inherited rights.

The effects of adding or removing members from a group are not propagated to the members until they have initiated a new NetID login session.

Newly added members will not acquire the rights of group membership until they quit any NetID login sessions that existed at the time they were added, and log back in. Newly added members should be notified that they must perform a NetID logout or restart their browser.

Newly removed members will retain the rights of group membership until they quit any NetID login sessions that existed at the time they were removed. Newly deleted members should be notified that they must perform a NetID logout or restart their browser in order to be effectively removed from the group.

Keywordsenterprise groups manage admin netid group manifest   Doc ID27780
OwnerMST SupportGroupIdentity and Access Management
Created2012-12-17 08:20:43Updated2022-05-25 15:15:04
SitesDoIT Help Desk, Identity and Access Management
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