Symantec Endpoint Protection (Windows 10) - Uninstallation Instructions

This document explains how to uninstall Symantec Endpoint Protection in Windows 10

Note: Please remove Symantec from any personally owned devices. Regarding UW-owned devices, if you have IT support, they will likely coordinate the removal of Symantec from your device (do not remove yourself). If you have questions about Symantec on your UW owned device, please contact your local IT support, otherwise feel free to open a case with the DoIT Help Desk.

Note: Uninstalling Symantec should automatically enable Windows Defender, Windows built-in protection suite. To learn more about Windows Defender, and to check that it is enabled, follow the instructions here.

Note: If your some reason you are unable to uninstall Symantec by following the instructions in this document, you may have to remove the program manually; see Manually Uninstalling Symantec Products.

  1. Use the Windows key or icon to open the Start Menu.

    Windows Start Image

  2. Search for the phrase "Add or remove programs" and select the System Settings option with a gear icon:

    Windows start search

  3. You should now be redirected to the "Apps & features" settings in System Preferences. Using the search bar, search for Symantec Endpoint Protection:

    Add & remove programs page

  4. Select Uninstall. Another prompt may appear, in which case Uninstall can be selected again.

    Uninstall prompt

  5. You may be prompted to enter credentials if User Account Control is configured. If so, enter credentials to make changes.

    UAC prompt

  6. The installation should be now be successful. You additionally may be prompted to restart the device to complete changes. If so, save all work and proceed.

Keywordssymantec endpoint end point protection sep anti virus antivirus remove removal uninstall uninstallation win 10 "win 10" "windows 10"   Doc ID96367
OwnerHelp Desk KB TeamGroupDoIT Help Desk
Created2019-12-03 16:28:57Updated2020-06-15 09:27:00
SitesDoIT Help Desk
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