Exemption Granted
This is a state in ARROW. Applications in this state have undergone review by an IRB staff reviewer and determined to qualify for exemption. In this state, the study team can submit changes of protocol, personnel changes, and reportable events, as well as report study completion.
An Exit link appears at the top of all ARROW application. Clicking this link exits the application, not the ARROW system. Always click Save before clicking Exit to make sure data is not lost.
Extend Exemption
This is an activity in ARROW that allows the study team to automatically set a new 5 year renewal period for the exemption if the activities are not yet complete. The study team must provide attestation of exempt status of study. There is no limited on the use of the “Extend Exemption” activity, as long as the activities conducted under the exemption are not yet complete and the the exempt status of the study has not changed.
In Exempt Review
This is a state in ARROW. Studies in this state have been identified as qualifying for exemption review and have been assigned an exempt reviewer.
In Expedited Review
This is state in ARROW. Studies in this state have been identified as qualifying for expedited review and have been assigned an expedited reviewer.
The Inbox appears whenever a user logs into ARROW. Studies that appear in the Inbox require action by the user before a study can move forward in the review process.