Changes Requested - Scientific Review

This is a state in ARROW.  Studies in this state have undergone scientific review and changes were requested by the scientific review committee.  In this state, the study team can either 1) respond to the committee request so that it returns to the Awaiting Scientific Review state for additional review, or 2) withdraw the application. 

Deny Request to Reactivate

This is an activity in ARROW in which the IRB submission manager can deny a study team's request to reactivate a submission that was previously withdrawn by the IRB (e.g. due to lack of submission of a continuing review for a study that has an expired IRB approval).  Execution of this activity will result in email notification to the study team that the request to reactivate has been denied and the study team will need to start the submission process over.

Deny Request to Reopen

This is an activity in ARROW in which the IRB submission manager can deny a study team's request to reopen a submission that was reported by the study team as completed or is in the closed state. 

Hold IRB Review - Continuing Review Required

This is a state in ARROW.  In this state, change applications are being held until a continuing review application has been submitted by the study team and reviewed by the IRB.

Modfications Requested

This is a state in ARROW.  Studies in this state have gone to an IRB meeting and IRB modifications have been sent to the study team.  Study teams must submit a response to the modifications before the study can move on from this state.

Submit Request to Reactivate

This is an activity in ARROW that allows a PI or POC to submit a request to reactivate a submission that is in the IRB withdrawn state.  

Submit Request to Reopen

This is an activity in ARROW that allows a PI or POC to submit a request to reopen a study that is in the Study Completed state or in the Closed state.