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White Pages - Incorrect or Missing Student Information
When looking up student contact information in the White Pages or directory search, email addresses, phone numbers, or other information may be incorrect or missing.
Data can only be corrected at its source.
- Contact information will appear in the directory the day after the student registers for classes. Conversely, contact information will disappear the day after the student stops being enrolled for classes. (Sometimes, due to timing, it takes two days but generally one day is enough time.)
- Students can request that their information be withheld under FERPA, see Student Center - Editing Your Privacy (FERPA) Settings (The Registrar's Office FERPA Page has more information). If the student has requested that their information be withheld, it will not appear in the white pages the day following the request.
- Students have access to the Name in Use (Preferred Name) Service which allows them to specify how their First and Middle names are displayed and also allows them to modify the punctuation, spacing, and/or capitalization of your last name. If a student had a legal name change while they have a preferred name set, they will need to follow the instructions here to update the preferred name.
- Student contact information can be updated in My UW-Madison in Student Center. (Students cannot change their address away from
- Students may also be employees and may have contact information coming from the HR system, see White Pages - Incorrect or Missing Faculty/Staff and Affiliate Information for troubleshooting information.
While DoIT is responsible for maintaining the online directory search, DoIT cannot change student contact information. Information can only be changed through the system where the information was entered.
Data is refreshed business days at 2AM. Due to job timing conflicts, it can sometimes take up to two business days before updates are processed.