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Case Study - Example

Examples of using case studies in an online discussion to facilitate investigation and research.

Case study — example

An International Business professor prepared a case study in which conflict between two countries escalated to the point that war was imminent. The pressure to find a diplomatic resolution was strong during a period of heightened world tensions. Students broke into groups to support an ambassador charged with resolving the conflict. Students had three class sessions to analyze the conflict's historical, political, and economic roots and propose a solution. The professor informed the groups that they needed to develop a learning plan (identifying knowledge gaps and determining how to fill them) and a work plan (identifying how they would formulate their diplomatic resolutions). To facilitate the process, he distributed a template of both plans that groups cause or modify to suit their needs. After all the teams had met and completed this proposal, he asked them to evaluate the proposals of two other groups and select the most appealing one. An ambassador from each team that had created the top three proposals presented their group’s proposal to the class, and the whole class voted on the most persuasive one. Upon completing the activity, the professor found that it enhanced students’ understanding of the complexity of factors underlying international relations (Barkley 241-242).

  • Discussion prompt: Post your group's learning plan and work plan in the Case Study forum in the Canvas Discussions tool.
  • Response prompt: Respond to two other groups' learning and work plans.
  • Followup activity: Post your group's selection for the most persuasive proposal.
Example Post Example Response

Hi, we are in Group 3, and below is our learning plan and work plan in response to our case study:

Learning Plan (Gaps and Recommended Solutions)
[insert plan here]

Work Plan (Formulation of Diplomatic Resolution)
[insert plan here]

This is Group 4's critique of Group 3's learning and work plans.

Learning Plan Strengths and Weaknesses
[insert critique here]

Work Plan Strengths and Weaknesses
[insert critique here]

Ranking: We give these plans a 4 out of 5 stars

case study, discussion, online
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Timmo D. in Instructional Resources
Center for Teaching, Learning & Mentoring