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Team Expectations Agreements

Team Agreements

Instructors have found team agreements to not only avoid conflict but also to encourage clarity and confidence. The team makes team agreements and sometimes includes consultation with the instructor. Effective team agreement:

  • Are thought through together (even if working in remote locations)
  • Make sure that all voices are heard and included
  • Listen actively to what is being said and asked for by each person and by the team
  • Keep the agreements short and to the point
  • Realize the agreement is dynamic, and build in capacity to revisit frequently

To create a helpful team agreement, ask the following questions:

  1. For this team to be successful and effective, what do you need to count on from each other?
  2. For this team to excel, what do you want for the team?
  3. (Building on the previous two) What agreements can we come to that will make success possible?

View an example of a team agreement created by George Brown College.

contract, team, groups, expectation, documentation
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Timmo D. in Instructional Resources
Center for Teaching, Learning & Mentoring