A large part of course development is organizing and presenting activities to students. This document describes how instructors use Canvas Templates created by the Center for Teaching, Learning & Mentoring (CTLM) for online, blended, or face-to-face courses. You can download and import the template course directly into any Canvas course and select the specific content you want or import all the content and delete what you do not want once it is in your course.
See the directions below on previewing and copying this template using Canvas Commons or downloading the zip file below. UW-Madison instructors are welcome to use all or part of this template course in their courses.
Template Content
Course shells in Canvas do not come with any templates or structures. CTLM has created various templated pages for instructors to utilize in their courses. This is not the creation of a course exemplar. Instead, it is creating a package of course assets from which faculty or instructional designers can pick and choose elements to use within their course.
The following templates are provided.
Homepage Options
Course Orientation Module
Module Concepts
Assignments with rubrics with different levels of criteria and points
Discussion examples
Mid-Semester Feedback Survey
Import the template
Through Canvas Commons, you can import the module into your course. Please follow the steps below.
Download a Zip File. (Double-click on the file to unzip it and then upload the .imscc file to Canvas)
How to use the template in your course
After importing the templates into your Canvas course, go to Modules. Find the module titled "Using the templates."
This module contains two documents:
How do I edit the templates?
How do I duplicate the module structure?
These two documents will get you started on how to incorporate the templates into your course.
Using this template requires you to customize it. Please review the content carefully. Text and other items that must be updated are prefaced with highlighted and italicized text. The amount of customization you choose is up to you and can include:
Update all personal and contact information for course instructor(s).
Update all scheduling and location details for your course.
Update content to have only technologies your course will use.
Proofread and update all other information to be accurate for your course.
Update, keep un-published, or delete any activities you will not use.
For general instructions on how to use Canvas, refer to Canvas Guides offered by Instructure.