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Student Assessment

Student Assessment

Effective student assessment is fundamental to teaching and learning — a compass guiding teaching and learning endeavors. Assessment goes beyond merely measuring students' performance; it provides insights into their comprehension, progress, and areas for improvement. By employing diverse assessment methods, instructors understand students' strengths, weaknesses, and individual learning styles, allowing for tailored instruction and targeted support. Moreover, assessment fosters a culture of accountability and reflection, encouraging students to take ownership of their learning journey and educators to refine their instructional practices continually. Ultimately, effective student assessment not only evaluates academic achievement but also cultivates a dynamic, collaborative learning environment conducive to growth, innovation, and lifelong learning.

Keywordsstudent, learner, assess, typesDoc ID136913
OwnerTimmo D.GroupInstructional Resources
Created2024-04-23 08:33:22Updated2024-08-23 15:32:27
SitesCenter for Teaching, Learning & Mentoring
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