Topics Map > Instructor Management
Instructor Management - Overview
The Instructor Management page is where you can view all instructors that have been entered into the IPT system. To open the Instructor Management page, you must have Instructor Manager permissions, which can be set by your IPT administrator.
You can access the Instructor Management page from the IPT navigation menu on the left.
In this guide
Filter the instructor list
You can filter the instructor list by term and by title (Professor, Lecturer, Teaching Faculty I or II, TA, etc.) using the two listboxes at the top of the page.
To select multiple filters within one listbox, press and hold the Shift key while selecting the range of criteria you want to filter for.
To select multiple filters that are not in a consecutive range, press and hold the Control (or Command) key while selecting each individual filter you want to apply.
Select “Refresh Data” to update the page with the filtered results.
What does "Include hidden instructors" do?
Selecting the “Include hidden instructors” checkbox will return a list of instructors that includes people who taught in prior terms and have since been hidden.
Instructors can be hidden from the list in two ways:
IPT administrators can hide an instructor manually.
Instructors are automatically hidden in the IPT system list after a full academic year (three terms, including summer) of not being assigned to any course.
Selecting the “Include hidden instructors” checkbox could be useful if you need to review data from past terms, or if you need to re-add an instructor who took a break from teaching and got hidden automatically.
Be sure to select “Refresh Data” to update the page after selecting or deselecting the checkbox.
Need more help?
Add an instructor or placeholder
For help with adding an instructor or placeholder to the IPT system list, refer to Instructor Management - Add an instructor or placeholder to system list.
Edit instructor data
For help with editing an instructor’s information, refer to Instructor Management - Edit instructor data.
Add a course release (buyout)
For help with adding a course release, refer to Academic Year Planning - Add a course release (buyout).