Topics Map > Instructor Management

Instructor Management - Add an instructor or placeholder to system list

A step-by-step guide on how to add an instructor or a placeholder to the IPT system list.

To access the Instructor Management page, you must have Instructor Manager permissions, which can be set by your IPT administrator. 

In this guide

Add an instructor

When adding an instructor to the IPT system list, please note the instructor will be added to the instructor list for the current term and all future terms. The instructor will not appear in the instructor list for past terms.

  1. Select “Instructor Management” from the IPT navigation menu on the left.

  2. On the Instructor Management page, select “Add Instructor.” You do not need to select anything in the two listboxes at the top of the page — these listboxes are only used for filtering the instructor list.
    Instructor Management page with "Add Instructor" button at top highlighted in red

  3. On the Add an Instructor page, enter the instructor’s name in this format: Last Name, First Name.
    Add Instructor page with name and email fields filled out

  4. Enter the instructor’s email address. Using an email address with an or other university domain is preferred, but other email domains such as are allowed.

    1. Note: The email address cannot be changed or added later, so it is important to enter the correct email address when adding an instructor.

  5. Enter the instructor’s employee ID. This should be their SIS employee ID, not their NetID.

    1. Note: The SIS employee ID is required in order to categorize the instructor as a Person in the IPT system rather than a Placeholder. The employee ID can be added later, but it cannot be edited once added.

  6. Select the instructor’s role from the options listed in the dropdown.
    Add Instructor page with employee ID and role fields filled out

  7. Select the instructor’s default title from the options listed in the dropdown.
    Add Instructor page with Default Title field filled out

  8. The remaining fields are optional. These include Assigned Course Load, Non-standard Load Note, Base Salary, and Seniority.

  9. To complete the process, select “Add” at the bottom of the form. If you select “Go Back,” the form will be cleared and will not be saved.
    Add Instructor page shown in full, with Add button highlighted in red at bottom of form

  10. Select “Refresh Data” on the Instructor Management page and verify that you’ve added the instructor to the list.
    Instructor Management page with "Refresh Data" button highlighted in red at top of page

Add a placeholder

If you are using a new instance of IPT where the instructor list has not been created yet, adding placeholders to the IPT system list can be useful. Using placeholder instructors makes it easier to enter planning data for courses before you know who will be teaching them. 

  1. Select “Instructor Management” from the navigation menu on the left.

  2. On the Instructor Management page, select “Add Instructor.” You do not need to select anything in the two listboxes at the top of the page — these listboxes are only used for filtering the instructor list.
    Instructor Management page with "Add Instructor" button at top highlighted in red

  3. On the Add an Instructor page, enter the placeholder’s name in this format: Placeholder (title or role descriptor).

    1. For example, you may enter placeholders for Faculty, Lecturer, TA, Teaching Faculty I, Teaching Faculty II, etc. Be sure to use the same naming format for all placeholders to make them easier to find in the instructor list.
      Add Instructor page with Name field filled out with "Placeholder (Lecturer)"

  4. The remaining fields are optional.

  5. To complete the process, select “Add” at the bottom of the form. If you select “Go Back,” the form will be cleared and will not be saved.
    Add Instructor page shown in full, with Add button highlighted in red at bottom of form

  6. Select “Refresh Data” on the Instructor Management page and verify that you’ve added the placeholder to the list.
    Instructor Management page with "Refresh Data" button highlighted in red at top of page

Need more help?

If you need help with adding an instructor or placeholder to a specific course, refer to Course page - Assign an instructor or placeholder to a course.

If you need help with other tasks in Instructor Management, refer to Instructor Management - Overview.

ipt, instructional planning tool, instructor management, add instructor, add placeholder, instructor, placeholder, instructor list, instructors, course instructor, faculty, lecturer, professor, TA, admin, administrator 
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Daniella P. in Instructional Planning Tool Reference
Instructional Planning Tool Reference