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Generate an SSH Key in macOS

This KB provides instructions for generating an SSH key in macOS that can be used with LCB hosts.

Table of Contents


  1. Launch Terminal.
  2. Enter the following command:
    • ssh-keygen - rsa
  3. Press Return to accept the default location (i.e., ~/.ssh/).
  4. Enter a passphrase or press Return to accept the default settings (i.e., no passphrase).
  5. macOS will generate the key pair.


  • Your private key is saved to the id_rsa file.
  • Your public key is saved to the “” file.

Keywordsmac, linux computing base, lcb, keygen, rsa, passphrase, pass phrase, key pair, private key, public key   Doc ID95212
OwnerDylan R.GroupLibraries
Created2019-10-23 12:58:53Updated2024-04-26 16:33:57
SitesUW-Madison Libraries
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