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L&S Request form - Course Cancellation and Non-standard Times

Instructions related to the Course-related Requests form.

Link to form: Course Cancellation & Non-standard Times

This form is used by L&S departments for the following requests:
  • Non-standard times for undergraduate courses
  • Canceling courses

Responses will be sent by Shirin Malekpour, Associate Dean for Teaching & Learning

Course Cancellation

Course Cancellation
Form Question Details
Course information Subject listing, course number, section number
Term Select the semester the request is being made for
Request Select 'Course cancellation'
Justification Justification for the request
Additional contact(s)
(optional) Please list the emails of any additional departmental contacts for this request. The name & email of the person submitting this form are automatically recorded.
(optional) If you have any feedback about this form or related KBs, please let us know.

Non-standard times

Non-standard time requests
Form Question Details
Course information Subject listing, course number, section number
Term Select the semester the request is being made for
Request Select 'Non-standard time'
What non-standard time are you requesting? Enter the time you are requesting for the course
Expected Enrollment Enter the estimated enrollment
Student population Describe the student population. E.g., majors vs. non-majors, first/second year vs. junior/senior, etc 
Justification Justification for the request
Additional contact(s)
(optional) Please list the emails of any additional departmental contacts for this request. The name & email of the person submitting this form are automatically recorded.
(optional) If you have any feedback about this form or related KBs, please let us know.

course cancellation, form, non-standard time request,TLA,cancellation,cancel course 
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Cathy Y. in L&S KB