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L&S Academic Planning Council

The L&S Academic Planning Council advises the Dean on planning, program, and fiscal matters, and plays an important role in College governance activities.
Contact Information:  Elaine M. Klein, Associate Dean for Academic Planning (

Council Business

The Academic Planning Council has been instrumental in advising the Dean about budgetary and strategic planning in the College.  In recent years, the Dean has consulted the council about the university-wide strategic framework and College-level priorities within that framework.  That work, in turn, has influenced college-level discussion of Madison Initiative for Undergraduate proposals, plans to develop new academic programs, and how the College may best respond to increasingly constrained resources.

The Dean asks the council to review and offer comment on the reports prepared by departments and committees participating in the regular and ad hoc reviews of academic and other programs. (For more information about program reviews, see the section on Academic Program Review). The council advises the dean about the review process itself, and offers counsel about guidelines appropriate for review. Another academic area for which the council has oversight responsibility is in matters related to the assessment of student learning in the college; the council reviews the annual report on assessment activity in the college and is consulted on matters related to college-level assessment of student learning.

The APC considers and advises the dean and departments on proposals to create or delete academic programs (e.g., majors, certificates, PhD minors) and L&S centers or institutes. In general, these and other proposals regarding the academic mission and resources of the college require APC approval prior to submission for campus-level approval.

Consultation about APC business is strongly encouraged. Please contact your Academic Associate Dean or the Associate Dean for Academic Planning for information about matters that might be brought to the council.

Annual Reports

Many of the council's activities are discussed in various annual reports submitted by the Dean to the L&S Senate and to the Provost. For more information about the council's work, please feel free to consult any of the following documents:

Other Documents

Governance, Academic Program Review, APC, what does the L&S APC do, council business, APC reports, APC documents 
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