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Purchasing - L&S

Information on purchasing, policies and procedures, links to forms.

How to purchase Goods and Services at UW-Madison - includes items requiring special approval prior to purchase

Purchasing Items over $5,000

  • You are required to complete a requisition in ShopUW for payments to external vendors over $5,000.
  • Simplified bid process
Purchase of Services Justification form.  Use this form for purchasing services at or over $5,000.
Contract Details form must be completed for Services Greater than $5,000   Use this form for a vendor or an individual providing a service to the University. 
Non-competitive Purchasing Request form.  Use this form for purchasing equipment or other non-service related items from a non-contract vendor.
Requests for signature from the L&S Business Office should be sent to

Illegal Purchase

An illegal purchase generally occurs when goods are purchased or services are started prior to a contract being signed or a purchase order being in place.  If an illegal purchase occurs, per policy UW-3045, a letter must be completed, signed by the Department and L&S Business Office and attached to the requisition.  Requests for signature from the L&S Business Office should be sent to

Emergency Purchases

Emergency Procurement: The need to purchase goods or services not using the normal procurement policies and procedures due to an emergency event.
   A. If the emergency event involves loss of property or life, it is an insurance event and shall be handled by the UW System Office of Risk Management and covered by the State/UW System insurance program.

   B. If an emergency event disrupts the university mission or threatens the public health, safety, security, welfare, and all of the below conditions exist, then this policy should be used:

    • was unforeseen;
    • calls for immediate action;
    • and cannot be responded to using established procurement methods

For emergency procurements, Departments should seek quotes to the greatest extent possible.  For questions, contact the appropriate member of the Purchasing Services team in the Division of Business Services.

Other Resources

Signature Authority - who can sign documents on behalf of the University

Inter-departmental Billing Form

Purchases from Internal Vendors 
Work Order

Other Resources

Purchasing, Sole Source, Non-competive, Purchasing forms, Requisitions, Direct payment, Payment request, illegal purchase, emergency purchase 
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Michele G. in L&S KB