Results: 1-15 of 15

No.Document TitleIDUpdatedViews
1E-Reimbursement/Travel - L&S250502024-12-118860
2Purchasing - L&S202022024-11-267741
3L&S Sabbatical Travel388502024-08-1416054
4L&S Lump Sum Payments to UW Students Guide845532024-08-019952
5Relocation/Moving Stipend - L&S209562024-07-2913026
6Cost transfers in L&S [Campus login required]771092024-07-15536
7UW-Madison Custodian Fund Advances212352024-06-035805
8State of Wisconsin Policies on Printing and Photocopying352652024-06-034755
9L&S Royalty Payment Processing565572024-06-035906
10Inter-institutional Agreements (IIA) - UW System Policy212422024-06-036297
11UW-Madison Non-Salary Cost Transfers202062024-06-034771
12L&S Payments to Individuals201602024-05-206626
13L&S Business Policies and Forms226162024-02-2812201
14Receptions - L&S226172024-02-097442
15L&S Routing for Academic Dean Approval for Affiliation Agreements361942023-07-064527

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