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L&S Royalty Payment Processing

In this document, the L&S business office provides information for the benefit of L&S departments, programs, faculty and staff concerning payment processing for payment of intellectual property(such as royaties). L&S follows UW-Madison policy and procedure, which adopts the IRS policy definition of a "royalty" as something paid to obtain iintellectual property, or to use intellectual property or rights to such property.

The IRS classifies the following expenditure terms similarly: Royalty, Patents, Licensing, Copyrights, Rights, Trade names, Trademarks, Intellectual, Permissions. 

Please use the following link on the UW Accounting Services web site and scroll down to Royalties Payments (Tax Withholding and Reporting)

Royalty Payments (Tax Withholding and Reporting)

KeywordsRoyalty, patents, licensing, copyrights, rights, trade names, trademarks, intellectual, permissions   Doc ID56557
OwnerMichele G.GroupL&S KB
Created2015-09-18 14:02:12Updated2024-06-03 07:56:58
SitesL&S KB
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