Administrative News and Announcements

L&S Budget Build: FY25 Materials Available

Posted: 2024-02-05 16:00:21   Expiration: 2024-03-19 07:30:00

Disclaimer: This news item was originally posted on 2024-02-05 16:00:21. Its content may no longer be timely or accurate.

The annual Budget Build for FY25 has begun. L&S Departments/Programs are asked to complete Budget Build materials for their 136 programs, 131 programs, and 131 profit accounts. Allocations for Supplies & Expenses and Student Hourly allocations may also be adjusted.

The following L&S KB page has an overview of the Fiscal Year 2025 Budget Build and its related deadlines: L&S Budget Build: Overview & Timeline

Upload completed materials to Box. Upload location = Budget Office Folder / Annual Budget Process / FY25 / Return Documents

-- L&S KB: Amanda Mahr