Results: 1-11 of 11

No.Document TitleIDUpdatedViews
1L&S Budget Build: Overview & Timeline1350652024-05-202860
2L&S Budget Build: 131 Profit1352102024-04-031483
3L&S Budget Build: 131 Programs1351002024-04-031558
4L&S Budget Build: Supplies & Expenses and Student Hourly allocations1351012024-03-181598
5Memo: L&S Cost Accounting for 131 Programs Implementation Effective FY211178492023-07-061187
6L&S Cost-Accounting Procedures for 131 Programs Effective FY211109402023-07-061687
7L&S Fund Management: Department ID584142023-07-066950
8L&S Fund Management: Project Numbers584122023-07-064079
9L&S Fund Management: Fund Numbers533882023-07-0683389
10L&S Fund Management: Sub-Department1028162023-05-183619
11L&S 131 Program Budget Model1155102023-04-062432

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