Results: 1-10 of 10

No.Document TitleIDUpdatedViews
1FTE (Full Time Equivalent) and Headcount [Glossary]219432024-07-2241913
2L&S New Employees -- Useful Resources229822024-07-226405
3Orientations for New L&S Employees and Chairs252442024-07-225374
4Sifting and Winnowing [Glossary]219132024-07-226909
5Faculty [Glossary]219102024-07-226556
6University Staff [Glossary]219082024-07-226539
7UW Fund Numbers - What The First Three Digits Tell You230702024-06-0313319
8L&S Departments, Programs, Centers & Institutes by Divisional Associate Dean222402024-05-2871998
9Functional Work Areas Chart for L&S Administration216772023-10-0411792
10Academic Staff [Glossary]219092023-06-016410

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