News and Announcements

Safer Badgers- Using the Badger Badge

Posted: 2021-01-21 16:22:48   Expiration: 2021-04-01 16:22:48

Disclaimer: This news item was originally posted on 2021-01-21 16:22:48. Its content may no longer be timely or accurate.

You will be able to enter the Humanities Building at three separate entrances: Mills Hall, the "Music" doors and the "History" doors. All other entrances to the building will be locked. Badger Wellness Ambassadors will be posted at all unlocked entrances to verify your "GREEN" badge. This document will provide an overview of the specific information that you will need to successfully use the Badger Badge to enter the Humanities Building. This process will become active on February 10, 2021.

Safer Badgers - What is the Badger Badge?

We continue to enhance our support documentation for Safer Badgers.
If you have questions, please contact the UW-Madison COVID-19 Assistance Line at (608) 262-7777.

COVID-19 Response | Safer Badgers

Beginning January 25, Badger Wellness Ambassadors will ask to see your Badger Badge. During the first week of classes, you will not be required to have a green badge to enter campus buildings as part of a soft launch. However, starting February 1, you will need to present your Badger Badge in the Safer Badgers app to gain building access. The Badger Badge does not display any personal health information. For more information on access to campus buildings, please see the Building Access website.

Your Badger Badge also is the home for your QR code. You will need to show your QR code when you go to your testing appointments.

You can access your Badger Badge in the Your Health section on the main page of your Safer Badgers app.

Safer Badgers app: Your Health sectionSafer Badgers app: Your Health section

Click on the Show Badger Badge button and you will be taken to the screen that will need to be shown to the Badger Wellness Ambassadors who will be stationed at building doors across campus.

Safer Badgers app: Denied Building AccessSafer Badgers app: Denied Building Access

When you log into your Safer Badgers app for the first time, your status will be yellow and your Badger Badge will show Access Denied.

To gain access to campus buildings, you will need to have a current negative test. For more information on testing, please visit the Spring 2021 Testing site.

Once you receive a current negative test result, your Badger Badge will update to grant you access to campus buildings. The Badger Wellness Ambassadors will be looking for 4 things on your Badge:

  1. The color of the day. The color on the band at the top of the Badge changes on a daily basis.

  2. The picture in the badge is you. The picture is your Wiscard picture. If you do not see your picture, your Wiscard may be expired and needs to be renewed. You will need another form of photo identification. 

  3. The circle around your picture is rotating. This is to protect against screenshots being displayed on devices.

  4. Building Access is GRANTED. This includes the checkmark and the green background.

To access your QR code in the Badger Badge, please swipe right once and you will be taken to the QR page in your Badger Badge.

Safer Badgers app: QR codeSafer Badgers app: QR code

On this page you will see that your current status appears. There are three statuses:

  • Green: Recent Negative COVID-19 Test.

  • Yellow: First time Safer Badgers user. Past due for a COVID-19 test. Self-reported symptoms, or Quarantined.

  • Red: Positive COVID-19 test.

Safer Badgers app: status colorsSafer Badgers app: status colors


The default status for new Safer Badgers users is set to yellow.

You can also access your QR code in your settings as well.

Additional Help

For more information on the COVID-19 measures on campus, please see COVID-19 Response.

For more information on Safer Badgers, please see Safer Badgers.

If you have further questions or concerns, please contact the UW-Madison COVID-19 Assistance Line at (608) 262-7777.

See Also:

-- Mead Witter School of Music: Anne Brutosky