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Topics Map > Student Records

SIS/Advisor Assign - Deleting a Student Advisor


This document outlines the process for deleting an advisor from a student's record.


Most advisor updates for Undergraduate students happen at the time of major/certificate declaration or cancellation via the SIS Major/Certificates Requests or Update Academic Program pages. The SIS Student Advisor page is used to assign auxiliary advisors (such as Career, PEOPLE, Athletics, etc) or to change an advisor during periods of staff transition.

If you have a consistent mass change (e.g. replace advisor X with advisor Y), or other changes, see automated options on the Office of the Registrar's website.

Note: Before deleting any advisor that is not within your department, verify the assigned advisor(s) is(are) no longer applicable by viewing the Student Program/Plan page or the Academic Program Summary. 

Once an undergraduate student completes a degree, all their advisors are automatically removed from the system.

Note: Graduate students’ last advisor(s) are kept on file and are not deleted at the time of degree completion.


Follow the steps below to delete an advisor.

Step 1

From Home, select: Student Records WorkCenter, Student Advisor. The Find page will display.

Tip: Menu navigation: > Records and Enrollment > Student Background Information > Student Advisor

Step 2

Locate the student's record by entering their Campus ID number in the "Campus ID" field. Other search fields can be used, but Campus ID is the value you're most likely to know and its use will ensure you're accessing the correct student record.

The student's information will display on the Student Advisor page.

Select "Search."

Step 3

Select the Student Advisor page tab.

Step 4

Find the specific advisor row you wish to delete.

Tip: If there are multiple advisor rows, use View All on the lower row counter bar.

Step 5

Depending on what you need to delete, follow the proper process.

If you wish to delete a single advisor from the list of multiple advisors:

Select the Delete button to the right of the Advisor Number field (the lower one).

If you wish to delete the only advisor, or delete all advisors:

Select the Delete button in the Effective Date area (the upper one). Warning: If you delete an advisor from the Effective Date row when there are multiple advisors attached to that date, all advisors will be removed.

SIS Student Advisor Delete and student Academic Details delete

Step 6

Select [OK] if you want to delete the advisor. The advisor information is now removed from the page.

Tip: If you have made a mistake and do not want to delete the row, select [Cancel] or do not save.

Step 7

Select [Save]. The advisor is now permanently removed from the student's record.

Tip: Use the Advisor Audit tab to view advisors who have been deleted and who deleted them.

Keywordschange, degree (degrees, degree planner), drop, plan (plans, planner), record (records), sis (SIS)   Doc ID118396
OwnerPaul O.GroupOffice of the Registrar
Created2022-05-06 14:10:51Updated2024-08-02 14:20:43
SitesOffice of the Registrar
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