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Topics Map > Student Information System (SIS)
Topics Map > Student Records
SIS/Advisor Assign - Verify a Student’s Declared Major
This document outlines how to verify a student's declared major in SIS.
The simplest way to verify a student's currently active programs, plans, and subplans is via the Academic Program Summary query in the Student Records WorkCenter.
Using the Academic Program Summary Report to verify a student's currently Declared Major(s)
This report summarizes an active student’s current (as of today) declared Programs/Plans/Subplans, including degrees sought, programs, majors, minors, certificates, and any options or tracks. This will not list past or future programs/plans/subplans.
To view an active student’s current program(s), follow the steps below:
Step 1
From Home, select: Student Records WorkCenter Academic Program Summary. The Academic Program Summary query prompt will display.
Step 2
Select the Empl ID magnifying glass.
Step 3
Select Advanced Lookup.
Step 4
- Search for the student.
- Select [Look Up].
- If needed, select the correct student from search results.
Step 5
Select [View Results]. The student's current Academic Program(s) will display.
Using the Student Program/Plan page to view a student's past, present, and future Declared Major(s)
The Student Program/Plan page tracks the Academic Career, Academic Program, Academic Plan, and Academic Sub-Plan in which the student has been declared, currently is declared, or will be switching to in the future. This page is most useful when hoping to declare advisors for programs or plans that are not yet active for your student. You'll be able to see when the declared program or plan will become active for the student and can adjust the effective date in the SIS Student Advisor page to match.
Note: Only Office of the Registrar team members can make updates directly in the Student Program/Plan page.
Step 1
From Home, select: Student Records WorkCenter, Student Program/Plan. The Find page will display.
Tip: Menu navigation: > Records and Enrollment > Career and Program Information > Student Program/Plan
Step 2
[Clear] fields, especially Student Center Nbr, before searching for a different student.
Step 3
[Search] If a Search Results in multiple rows of data, look at the Student Career Number for each Academic Career as shown below: (e.g. look at each of the three different Student Career Nbrs - 0, 1, and 2 in this example).
- Verify that you have only one student displayed by looking at Campus ID.
- The Program in the Search Results will be sorted alphabetically, not chronologically, for each Student Career Number; therefore, you cannot assume the first Academic Program listed is the student’s current Academic Program.
- All rows associated with the same Academic Career and Student Career Number will display the most recent status for that Career Number when you select the row.
- You must click to open each row with a different Student Career Number for a given Academic Career to determine which rows have an “Active in Program” or “Completed Program’ status and which may have been “Discontinued.” In the example above, click on any of the rows for Student Career Nbr 0 to see the status and effective date of this program.
- Certs-Ugrd and AddtlUGMjr Program rows must be checked for Status.
Check the Program Effective Date.
Check the Program Status. Look for “Active in Program."
Use the |Student Plan| tab to see Program and Plan on the same page.
On the |Student Plan| page, check the second row counter bar (immediately above the Academic Plan field) to see if a student has multiple majors in a given Program. This row counter bar will display 1 of 2 (or more) if the student has multiple majors.