Topics Map > Enrollment
Topics Map > Student Information System (SIS)
Topics Map > Student Records

SIS/Student Groups - Viewing all Student Group members


This document outlines the steps to view a list of all students assigned to a Student Group in SIS.


To view all students in a specific student group, follow the steps below.

Step 1

Navigate to: > Records and Enrollment > Career and Program Information > View Student Groups by Student. The Find page will display.

View Student Groups by Student Navigation Path

Step 2

Use the Find page to enter the Student Group you want to view and select the Search button. The View Student Groups by Student page will display.

View Student Groups by Student Find Page with box around student group field

Step 3

If desired, change the Select Effective Dates criteria to limit reporting results.

  • All rows for inactive, active, and future dated students.
  • Most Current (any status) rows of inactive or active students.
  • Most Current Active students as of today.
  • Most Current Inactive students as of today.

Step 4

If you want a more limited list, select Range Selection and fill in additional fields of last name ranges or EMPL ID (SIS ID) ranges. Additional fields will display to narrow your list. Narrowing results by Range Selection is not common.

Step 5

Select [Get Results]. The results will display on the View Student Groups by Student page.

View Students By Student Group Get Results Button and Effective Date

Step 6

View the student group members.

View Student Groups by Student List of Members

Step 7

If you want to view the student's details, select Details. That student's Student Groups page will display.

  • If you have the rights to edit, you can update and select [OK].
  • If you have view only rights, select [Cancel] when done.

Tip: To refresh your image after editing, select [Get Results].

Tip: To download an Excel file of the report results, click on the download grid image. An Excel file will download to your device.

View Student Groups by Student Download Results

Keywordscourse search and enroll, degree (degrees, degree planner), plan (plans, planner), record (records), sis (SIS)   Doc ID118423
OwnerPaul O.GroupOffice of the Registrar
Created2022-05-09 09:53:38Updated2024-06-19 14:44:08
SitesOffice of the Registrar
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