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Topics Map > Student Information System (SIS)
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SIS/Service Indicators - Overview
Service Indicators are markers applied to students’ records that are used to either provide or limit student access to services. They may be used to limit access to enrollment and certain student records like the official transcript or diploma. Or they may simply be used for the informational purposes of an administrative unit or office. At UW–Madison, maintenance of service indicators is decentralized. Each unit is responsible for adding, editing, and releasing service indicators, when appropriate.
Types of Service Indicators
Positive Service Indicator (
Positive service indicators have no impact on the student. A positive service indicator is mainly used for administrative tracking purposes.
Examples of Positive Service Indicators:
- Eligibility for certain Financial Aid programs
- Veterans benefits
- International Student Services
- Computerized records
Tip: When you see this icon, , select it to view the summary of positive service indicators.
Negative Service Indicator (
Negative service indicators (also called "holds") have a negative impact on the student. Negative service indicators prevent students from services such as enrolling in classes and receiving student records.
Examples of Negative Service Indicators:
- Meeting with advisor required
- Unpaid tuition
- Fee holds (e.g. Library, Residence Halls, SHIP)
- Default on student loan
Tip: When you see the negative service indicator icon, ∅, select it to view the summary of negative service indicators
How do students view service indicators?
Student Center - Viewing Your Holds that prevent enrollment in their MyUW Student Center under "Tasks."
When students receive their enrollment invitation, they are directed to their MyUW Student Center to view any holds that may prevent enrollment.
Note: Instructions on "Fines and Holds" and where to clear them can be found in the "Student Records" section of the Office of the Registrar website.