Salary rate computed on a twelve-month, annual basis.
The fourth digestive chamber of the digestive system of most ruminants. The abomasum is located after the forestomachs (rumen, reticulum and omasum) and before the first segment of the small intestine (i.e., the duodenum); It is sometimes referred to as the "true" stomach because of its acid-secreting ability, which is found in most other mammalian species.
Acknowledge Reportable Event
This is an activity in ARROW that allows the IRB staff reviewer to acknowledge receipt of a reportable event that does not require further IRB review. Upon acknowledgement, the study will return to the approved state.
Ad Libitum
A latin word that means "to one's pleasure." In nutrition, ad libitum (abbreviated "ad Lib") refers to feeding management in which animals are fed without restriction. Cows are usually considered fed ad libitum when the refusals (orts) amount to approximately 5 to 10% of what has been offered the day before.
The part of the metabolism in which metabolites are used in the growth and repair of body tissues.
Protein released in the blood that is generated in reaction to a foreign protein (antigen) that has entered the body. Antibodies produce immunity against certain micro-organisms or their toxins.
A method of expressing the concentration of a nutrient in a feed. For example, a feed containing 12% crude protein on a dry matter basis contains 12 g of protein for each 100 g of feed "as-is" (or "fresh"). When feed ingredients are added to a mixer, they are weighted on an "as-is" of "fresh" basis. See also "Dry Matter Basis.
Assigned to IRB Meeting
This is a state in ARROW. Studies in this state have been assigned to an upcoming meeting by either the IRB staff reviewer or the IRB submission manager. In this state, the IRB staff reviewer can record the IRB meeting decision and draft meeting minutes.
Single-cell organisms living either independently or in close association with other living organisms. Often referred to as microbes or microorganisms because of their microscopic size. Some bacteria are beneficial, but others cause infectious diseases.
Base-Building Adjustment
A salary increase (may be temporary or permanent).
Documents are scanned in batches which are placed into the batches view of Perceptive Content. Once in the batches view, the batches undergo processing which includes separation into individual documents and quality assurance.
business card
a border of lamination material used with laminated products, standard is 1/8"
A small stony concretion that may form in the stomachs of certain animals, especially ruminants. Bezoars are caused by a buildup of material in the gastrointestinal tract that the stomach can't digest.
A liver secretion that is necessary for proper digestion of fats.
Produced or brought about by living organisms.
BIOLOGICAL VALUE (of a protein)
A measure of protein quality. The percentage of protein in a feed which is not lost in the urine or the feces of the animal. Biological value is a reflection of the balance of amino acids available to the animal after digestion and absorption.
K, one of the four process colors used in the CMYK printing process, black in color. Also referred to as the Key color
printed image that extends beyond trim marks, so finished product does not have a white border (generally 1/8" is the setting for bleed)
A swelling of the left side of the cow caused by a frothy material which prevents gases of fermentation from being eructed from the rumen. Occurs primarily when cows are grazing certain species of legumes especially, alfalfa. If not treated immediately, bloat can cause death in a matter of hours. More...
Blue-Collar Multi-Shift
University Staff titles that are in pay schedule 03 (e.g., custodian, food service assistant, food retail/catering leader and food production assistant) and in multiple-shift environments (e.g., first shift, second shift and third shift).
Board of Regents; the governing board for the UW System. See: https://www.wisconsin.edu/regents/
The part of leaf and twig growth of shrubs, woody vines, and trees that is available for animal consumption.
Budget (Program) Decision
The reallocation or termination of resources by a university management decision that may result in staffing reductions in a program or operational area.
A chemical substances, such as sodium bicarbonate, that can maintain the pH of the rumen content around neutrality (pH = 6 to 7). The pH is maintained by neutralizing the volatile fatty acids and other organic acids produced by ruminal fermentation.
A bull used for natural mating after mutiple artificial insemination attempts have failed to establish pregnancy.
Business Insight
A tool integrated into the Imaging Service that can be used to run reports against data; often used to check user/group permissions.
Salary rate computed on a nine-month, academic year basis.
Any of a group of chemical compounds, including sugars, starches, and cellulose, containing only carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, with a ratio of hydrogen to oxygen of 2:1.
A gas produced by combustion or oxidation of organic matter. Carbon dioxide is also produced in large quantities during ruminal fermentation.
The part of the metabolism in which metabolites are oxidized for the production of work and heat.
Certify Not Human Subjects Research
This is an activity in ARROW that allows the IRB staff reviewer to certify that an application does not constitute human subjects research. This activity occurs in the Pre-review state.
The central core of an ear of corn.
Coil Bind
a plastic coil that has a 4:1 pitch ratio used as a binding material to hold a book together
Collaboration Space
Collaboration Space is a type of notebook in Office 365's Class Notebook app. It is a notebook for all students and the teacher in the class to share, organize, and collaborate.
Content Library
A Content Library is a type of notebook in Office 365's Class Notebook app. It is a notebook for teachers to share course materials with students. Teachers can add and edit its materials, but for students, the notebook is read-only.
Continue Button
ARROW forms have a Continue button at the bottom that moves you forward through the application. Clicking Continue saves the current page and moves the user to the next page. Continue is not the same as the Forward button on a browser. Do not use the Forward button on a browser when completing forms in ARROW or the data entered will be lost.
Copy Reportable Event to Other Study
This is an activity in ARROW that allows the PI or POC to copy a reportable event application to another study. For example, if a reportable event affects several studies open by the PI, the PI only needs to fill out the RE application one time and then copy it to the other affected studies.
Creditable Service
The amount of service an employee is granted under the Wisconsin Retirement System based on the number of hours worked in a year and the employee’s WRS employment category.
Cronbach alpha
Cronbach's alpha is a measure used to assess the reliability, or internal consistency, of a set of scale or test items. In other words, the reliability of any given measurement refers to the extent to which it is a consistent measure of a concept, and Cronbach's alpha is one way of measuring the strength of that consistency. See more here: Virginia stat Consulting or here (Wikipedia).
DIGESTIBILITY (Coefficient of)
A measure of the proportion of a feed that is digestible. The digestibility of a nutrient is often measured as the difference between the amount of nutrient ingested minus the amount of nutrient excreted in the feces, expressed as a percentage of the nutrient ingested: 100 x (intake - excreted)/intake.
see duplex category
A method of expressing the concentration of a nutrient in a feed. For example, a feed containing 12% crude protein on a dry matter basis contains 12 g of protein for each 100 g of feed dry matter
An organism, animal or vegetal, at its early stage of development.
Employee of the Board of Regents
All employees of UW–Madison (including University Staff). Prior to July 1 2015, classified employees were under the provisions of Wis. Stat. Chapter 230 and were still limited to the $12,000 statutory cap.
Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)
A federal law that establishes labor standards for public and private sector employees. It is enforced by the Wage and Hour Division of the U.S. Department of Labor.
Family Member
- Employee's legal spouse
- Employee’s domestic partner as defined by UW–Madison Domestic Partnership Policy
- Children of employee or employee’s spouse or domestic partner (biological, adopted, step or foster child or legal ward)
- Grandchildren of employee or employee’s spouse or domestic partner
- Parents of employee or employee’s spouse or domestic partner (biological, adopted, step or foster parent, or legal guardian of employee)
- Grandparents of employee or employee’s spouse or domestic partner
- Brothers and sisters and spouses or domestic partners of the brothers and sisters of employee or employee’s spouse or domestic partner
- Aunts and uncles of employee or employee’s spouse or domestic partner
- Sons-in-law or daughters-in-law of employee or employee’s spouse or domestic partner
- Other relatives of employee or employee’s spouse or domestic partner who reside in the household of the employee
FIBER (dietary)
Nutrient of low energy density present in large quantities in forages. Fiber is composed of structural carbohydrates (cellulose and hemicellulose) and phenolic compounds. Fiber is important for dairy cows because they stimulate rumination and promote a healthy rumen environment for bacterial growth. However, in large amounts in the diet, fiber may fill the rumen, limit intake of energy and constrain milk production.
Hemicellulose and cellulose that can be quantify by the neutral detergent fiber procedure.
Free/busy is a determination of whether there is a calendar event in a given time slot. Free designates time slots without events and busy designates time slots that are taken up in a person's calendar. Any account within Microsoft 365 will have the ability to view free/busy information against any other Office 365 account. Note: an event can be set to show as busy or free.
Full Mailbox Permissions
Full mailbox permissions can be assigned between any two accounts within UW-Madison's Office 365 environment.
What can I do with full mailbox permissions? | What can't I do with full mailbox permissions? |
* To send emails, you will either need 'send as' or 'send on-behalf' of permissions.
Note: Service accounts have the capability of having delegates linked to them. If linking is used, the delegate will automatically be assigned 'full mailbox' and 'send as' permissions.
See how to manage full mailbox permissions for an account for further details.
Global Address List (GAL)
The Global Address List (GAL) is the address look up feature in Office 365. It contains email addresses for individuals and resources, excluding those that are hidden. Office 365 uses the Global Address List to supply email addresses when you are composing a message or inviting individuals to meetings.
Global Warming Potential (GWP)
An index (i.e., a relative measure) of how much heat a greenhouse gas traps in the atmosphere over a chosen time horizon, relative to that of carbon dioxide. The GWP represents the combined effect of the differing times these gases remain in the atmosphere and their relative effectiveness in absorbing outgoing thermal infrared radiation. Although the most common time horizon is 100 years, GWP have been reported also for time horizons of 20 years and 500 years.
Paid bi-weekly for hours worked per pay period in calendar year.
An iron rich protein found in the red blood cells which function as a carrier of oxygen and carbon dioxide.
Hold IRB Review - Continuing Review Required
This is a state in ARROW. In this state, change applications are being held until a continuing review application has been submitted by the study team and reviewed by the IRB.
Hold IRB Review - Submission of Reportable Event Pending
This is a state in ARROW. In this state, continuing and change applications are being held until a reportable event has been submitted by the study team. Once the reportable event has been submitted, the continuing or change will transition back to the pre-review state.
Human Subjects Research
For information on human subjects research, please see the Institutional Review Board's website.
Immediate Family Member
Includes an employee's spouse, parents and children; an employee's and employee's spouse's immediate family members, grandparents, grandchildren, aunts and uncles, brothers and sisters and their spouses; children over the age of 18 and their spouses; and any other relative who resides in the same household as the employee.
The Inbox appears whenever a user logs into ARROW. Studies that appear in the Inbox require action by the user before a study can move forward in the review process.
Institutional Responsibilities
Institutional Responsibilities are an investigator's professional duties on behalf of the UW-Madison, which may include; research, research consultation, instruction, professional practice, extension/outreach, administrative activities and institutional committee memberships.
IRB Administrative Review
This is a state in ARROW. Studies in this state will undergo administrative review by the IRB submission manager in order to determine appropriate IRB and staff reviewer assignment. In this state, the IRB submission manager can also send administrative issues to the study team.
IRB Close Study
This is an activity in ARROW that allows the IRB staff reviewer to close a study in the approved state once the study team has submitted a study completion report.
IRB Member Modification Review
This is a state in ARROW in which an IRB member can conduct a review of a modification response by the study team upon the request of an IRB staff reviewer. In this state, the IRB member can submit modification review notes regarding their assessment of the modification response. Then the IRB staff reviewer forwards the submission back to IRB Review of Modification Response.
IRB Pre-Meeting
This is a state in ARROW. Studies in this state have been scheduled for an IRB meeting and go through the pre-meeting state in order to be scheduled for PRS or confirmed for an upcoming IRB agenda.
IRB Pre-Review
This is a state in ARROW. Studies in this state will undergo pre-review by an assigned IRB staff reviewer. The staff reviewer can perform multiple activities in this state, including sending the application for consultant review, sending the application to ancillary committee, completing pre-review checklist, and scheduling the application for an IRB meeting.
IRB Review of Modification Response
This is a state in ARROW. Studies in this state were previously reviewed by the IRB and modifications were requested. The response from the study team requires review by the IRB to determine whether the study team has adequately addressed the IRB's requests. In this state, the IRB staff reviewer can send the modification response to an IRB member or schedule it for review at a full meeting.
IRB Withdrawn
This is a state in ARROW. Studies in this state have been withdrawn by the IRB due to lack of response to an IRB request for modifications or deferral response.
A member is a person who is included as part of a group.
Refers to all of the changes that nutrients undergo after they are absorbed from the digestive tract. Metabolism is divided into anabolism and catabolism.
A product of metabolism of nutrients.
In ruminant nutrion, metabolizable protein, often abbreviated MP, is the amount of digestible protein that reach the small intestine, which is the source of amino acids absorbed into the blood. The three main sources of MP include rumen undegraded protein (the dietary protein fraction that has not been degraded in the rumen), the microbial (bacterial) protein synthesized in the rumen from the fermentation process, and the endogenous protein (intestinal digestive enzymes and sloughed cells from the gastro-intestinal tract). The latter source is minimal.
Animal or vegetal organism of microscopic dimension (syn Microorganism).
Microsoft 365 Transition Website
Located at 365transition.wisc.edu, the Office 365 Transition Website is the first stop for those who are interested to know more about the transition. It provides general info on everything from the project history and the business case to the Office 365 Team roster and announcements to campus.
Morbidity is an incidence of ill health. It is measured in various ways, often by the probability that a randomly selected individual in a population at some date and location would become seriously ill in some period of time. Contrast to mortality.
A measure of the amount of cell wall in a feed determined by a laboratory procedure. Neutral detergent fiber includes cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin.
New Reportable Event
This is an activity available to study teams for all studies in the Approved state. This allows study teams to initiate a reportable event.
Carbohydrates that are not part of the neutral detergent fiber, but generally accumulate in the plant as energy reserve (e.g., starch). These carbohydrates usually are more rapidly and more completely digested than the fibrous carbohydrates (syn Non-structural carbohydrate).
(see non-fiber carbohydrate).
extremely fat.
Integrating and acculturating new employees into the university and providing them with the tools, resources, and knowledge to become successful and productive. Onboarding engages employees beginning with the acceptance of the job offer, and continues through the entire first year of employment.
OneDrive for Business
OneDrive for Business is Office 365's file hosting service. It allows users to upload and sync files to a cloud storage and then access them from a web browser or their local device.
OneNote Class Notebook
The OneNote Class Notebook is an Office 365 app that helps instructors set up OneNote in their class. This app will create a class notebook, which includes three types of sub-notebooks: Student Notebooks, Content Library, and Collaboration Space.
Outlook on the web
Microsoft's service for accessing your Microsoft 365 account via web browser. Log into Outlook on the web.
The taste and flavor property of a feedstuffs that make them more or less acceptable to be eaten.
perfect bind / perfect bound
Perfect bind
type of binding that uses glue on the spine of the sheets to adhere a cover to the sheets, like a phone book
This is a state in ARROW. Pre-submission is the default state for any newly-created submission. Applications in Pre-Submission have not yet been submitted to the IRB.
Reportable Events
Refers to any submission that is not an initial, continuing or change of protocol. Reportable events include noncompliance, new information, adverse events and unanticipated problems.
Research (Basic)
Study directed toward gaining (scientific) knowledge primarily for its own sake
A type of bacteria that live in association with the roots of legume plants and make the nitrogen of the air available to the plants.
Send On Behalf Of
In Office 365, this permission allows a delegate to use this mailbox to send messages. However, after this permission is assigned to a delegate, the From address in any message sent by the delegate indicates that the message was sent by the delegate on behalf of the mailbox owner.
Send to Pre-Submission
This is an activity in ARROW that allows the PI or POC to send an application back to the Pre-Submission state from the Withdrawn state. For example, the PI withdrew an application from the IRB review process and now wants to start the submission process again using the previously withdrawn application.
Stack by page or subset
to keep each piece separate or independent
A calf born dead or that dies within 48 hours of birth.
(see Fibrous carbohydrate).
Student Notebooks
Student Notebooks are a part of Office 365's Class Notebook app. They are private notebooks that are shared between each teacher and their individual students. Teachers can access these notebooks at any time, but students cannot see other students’ notebooks.
A sub-domain is a domain that is part of a larger domain; the only domain that is not also a sub-domain is the root domain. For example, doit.wisc.edu and engr.wisc.edu are sub-domains of the wisc.edu domain.
UW-Madison Conflict of Interest Policy defines sub-recipient to mean an entity or individual named on a subcontract from UW-Madison on a federally-funded award or human subjects research protocol.
Without clinical manifestations; said of the early stages or a very mild form of a disease, e.g. subclinical disease, infection, parasitism, or when a disease is detectable by biological tests but not by a clinical examination.
This is an activity available to study teams, allowing them to submit an initial application, continuing review, change of protocol, reportable event, etc., to the IRB.
Submit Administrative Hold Response
After a study has been approved with an administrative hold, study teams must resolve the conditions of this hold; this is done by submitting a response.
Submit Changes
This is an activity in ARROW that allows the PI or POC to submit changes requested by the scientific review committee.
Submit Deferral Response
This is an activity in ARROW that allows the PI or POC to submit a deferral response to the IRB. Once the PI or POC submits the deferral response, the submission transitions back to the IRB Pre-Review state.
Submit Issues Response
This is an activity in ARROW that allows the PI or POC to submit their response to issues sent by the IRB. Once the PI or POC submits their response to issues, the submission transitions back to the IRB Pre-Review state.
Submit Modification Response
This is an activity in ARROW that allows the PI or POC to submit their modification response to the IRB. Once the PI or POC submits their modification response, the submission transitions to the IRB Review of Modification Response state.
Submit Modification Review Notes
Review state to the IRB Review of Modification Response state once the assigned IRB member(s) has completed their review.
Submit Request to Reactivate
This is an activity in ARROW that allows a PI or POC to submit a request to reactivate a submission that is in the IRB withdrawn state.
Submit Request to Reopen
This is an activity in ARROW that allows a PI or POC to submit a request to reopen a study that is in the Study Completed state or in the Closed state.
Submit Study Completion Report
This is an activity in ARROW that allows a PI or POC to submit their study completion report. This activity is available in the following states for an initial review: Approved, Exemption Granted, Expired. The study then transitions to the Study Completed state.
a defined part of a set
Sustainability is a holistic concept that built on three inter-related pillars: environmental, social and economic. To be sustainable, any entrepreneurial activity must be economically viable, ecologically healthy and socially equitable. A universal definition of sustainability was given for the first time by the World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED) in the Brundtland report published under the auspices of the United Nations in 1987.
Sustainable Intensification
Narrowly defined, SI refers to increase food production from existing farmland in ways that place far less pressure on the environment and that do not undermine our capacity to continue producing food in the future. However, Garnett et al. (2013) added the following four premises underlying SI: (a) The need to increase production; (b) Increase production must be met through higher yields because increasing the area of land in agriculture carries major environmental costs; (c) Food security requires as much attention to increasing environmental sustainability as to raising productivity; and (d) SI denotes a goal but does not specify a priori how it should be attained or which agricultural techniques to deploy.
The intimate living together of two dissimilar organism in any of various mutually beneficial relationships.
Tape Bind
a type of binding that uses a strip of durable tape to hold a book together lines that indicate where to trim before a job goes on the collator or other binding equipment, by doing this it allows the operator to still see the trim marks for final trim
Trim Box
(see also Keyline defintion)
Withdraw Reportable Event
This is an activity in ARROW that allows the PI or POC to withdraw a submitted continuing review from the review process. This activity moves the submission to the Withdrawn state at which time the PI or POC can send the submission back to Pre-Submission.
Work and tumble
using the same plate and same guide, printing one side of a sheet, and flipping it from gripper to tail to print on the back of the sheet. Similar to perfecting but 2 passes