Communication :: Communication Approaches


Communication is a critical aspect of instruction — inside and outside the classroom. As such, it can be a significant source of stress because it can be challenging and time-consuming. For students, however, knowing when and where to look for communication from their instructors can ease the cognitive load and make it more likely that they will succeed in your course. Review this list and identify types of communication you can use in your course.

  • Written course documents, i.e., the syllabus or assignment descriptions.
  • Canvas announcements
  • Course introduction videos
  • Email
  • In-class announcements
  • Classroom back channels
  • Discussion forums
  • Assignment/grading feedback

Results: 1-6 of 6

No.Document TitleIDUpdatedViews
1Creating Student Feedback Videos1070252024-08-232985
2First Week of Class Interview Activity1336722024-08-231188
3Communication Approaches1368892024-08-23392
4Communication and participation in online courses1212892024-08-235428
5Creating a Classroom Backchannel with Piazza1047972024-08-233437
6Communicating with Sections and Individuals in Large Courses1036592024-08-232818

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